This comic is a great illustration of what it means to be a linguist surrounded by people speaking the language you are studying. We areRead More
A comic about the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
This comic is inspired by the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, and especially its interpretation in the 2016 film Arrival. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, more precisely called “linguistic relativity”, refersRead More
Uncovering grammatical meanings through fieldwork
I recently gave an outreach talk about my research to a group of physicists interested in linguistics, and I decided to share the summary ofRead More
A comic about fieldwork 2
This comic tells a short story based on true events. In my field site, there was one particular rooster that made the most noise outRead More
A comic about fieldwork
Linguists are often found in funny situations like this where “learning about the language” typically means learning and analyzing the grammar, while learning to speakRead More