A comic about Halloween and logic
I wrote this comic as being about a logician, but it could easily be a semanticist. It actually happens to me quite often that IRead More
A comic about vacation
Last time I was on vacation I noticed how my perception of my surroundings changed. I was able to appreciate the same things I haveRead More
My thoughts on well-being in academia: Let’s be human!
Disclaimer: For anyone who knows me and might think they have been mentioned here, any resemblance to actual persons or actual events is purely coincidental.Read More
A comic about grammars
Who else reads grammars? Linguists read grammars to get the gist of the language they are interested in and not so much to learn howRead More
Watch my talk on YouTube
I finally made a YouTube channel where I will be occasionally publishing my talks and materials for my students. This video is a summary (despiteRead More
A comic about Melbourne
Living in Melbourne really changed my perspective on coffee. Now I only drink locally roasted (light roast of course) coffee anywhere I go!