I have recently started an outreach project Making invisible languages visible: Urban fieldwork in Düsseldorf, with my colleagues from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. With aRead More
My two new talks on Youtube: Semantics and Nafsan
Some months ago I presented my work on Nafsan at the 13th Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference hosted by the University of Edinburgh.Read More
My first comic award!
I can proudly announce the first public recognition of my pandemic-initiated hobby of creating LEGO comics, mostly inspired in linguistics and other relevant life topics.Read More
Introducing “Language Explained”
I started a new Medium publication called “Language Explained”, where I and other linguists will write about everything you ever wanted to know about howRead More
Watch my talk on YouTube
You can now watch my talk about empirical methods for describing tense, aspect, and mood I recently presented at the 7th International Conference on LanguageRead More
Linguistweets conference
I participated today in the Linguistweets conference, where every talk consists of only 6 tweets! I tweeted about my experience with fieldwork methods while describingRead More
Watch my talk on YouTube
I finally made a YouTube channel where I will be occasionally publishing my talks and materials for my students. This video is a summary (despiteRead More
Invitation to Language Technologies for All at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
Edit: you can find the poster I presented at the conference here. I was recently invited to participate at the invitation-only conference Language Technologies forRead More